Hyperlink listing in members’ directory on our website – take visitors to our site directly to yours

Discounted members rate for social events (where costs apply)

Personal invitation to all Chamber activities

‘Direct line’ to and from Cheddar Parish Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Cheddar Vision Group (developing Cheddar’s Tourism Strategy), Somerset Chamber of Commerce:

- be the first to hear about changes, developments and business events

- get in touch with the right people when you need help or have something to say

- lobby on important issues collectively through Cheddar Chamber

Peer support from other members at events and on request in particular circumstances where we will do our best to put you in touch with other members who have survived issues you might be facing in your business

Advice and guidance for new businesses opening or planning to open in Cheddar

Promotion opportunities at Chamber-supported community events and in publicity for those events

How to join

 Email: hello@cheddarchamber.co.uk

Facebook message: @CheddarChamber

Membership year: April-March


90%of businesses in Sedgemoor are micro-enterprises employing 0-9 people so we’ve revised our membership rates to reflect this

 0-5 employees: £15

5-10 employees: £30

10+ employees: £40

Benefits of joining Cheddar Chamber @Copyright Cheddar Chamber of Commerce & Industry 2019 Events